Freedom Movement Historical Event The First War of Independence 1857

Eid-ul-Adha of 1857 : Bahadur Shah Zafar banned the sacrifice

In all probability Muslims planning to slaughter cows were also paid agents of the British because cow slaughter was already banned by Bahadur Shah Zafar. So it was planned that on 2nd August cows will be slaughtered on Eid to fan communal tensions in Delhi. As soon as Hindus and Muslims started fighting the British army would attack the city.

Freedom Fighter Freedom Movement Historical Event

The last Roar: Death of Tipu Sultan- The Tiger of Mysore.

On the 4th of May 1799, the British army assembled around the fort of Seringapatnam, capital of the Kingdom of Mysore. The British army was supported by Nizam and Maratha infantry. The French intelligence, an ally of Tipu gave him a tip of ‘an eminent British attack’, they advised Tipu Sultan to escape the capital and live to fight for another day, Tipu replied, ‘Better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep’.

Freedom Fighter Freedom Movement Great Warrior The First War of Independence 1857

बेगम हज़रत महल : अंग्रेज़ों के झण्डे को दुनिया में सबसे पहले ज़मींदोज़ करने वाली।

हफ़ीज़ किदवई कुछ तारीख़ें सिर्फ़ तारीख़ भर नही होती बल्कि पूरे एक ज़माने […]

Freedom Movement Historical Event

भगत सिंह द्वारा अपने छोटे भाई कुलतार सिंह को उर्दु में लिखा ख़त आज भी हर नौजवान के लिए प्रेरणादायी है……!!

शहीद भगत सिंह ने सेंट्रल जेल, लाहौर से कई ख़त लिखे जिसमे से […]

Bihar Education Freedom Movement Review Writer हिन्दी

राष्ट्रवाद का पैमाना : फणीश्वरनाथ रेणु जो बेहिचक भारत माता के साथ नेपाल को भी अपनी माँ बोलता था।

  Shubhneet Kaushik “मैला आँचल” के अप्रतिम रचनाकार रेणु को याद करते हुए […]

English Historical Event InterNational


West Asia region has been a fascinating place for international politics. The region continues to see wars, revolutions, civil wars, invasions and what not for centuries now. There have been some intriguing circumstances that make this region a prime focus in the International arena.